AI, Encryption, and the Sins of the 90s


24 points | by keepamovin 3 days ago ago


  • masfuerte 34 minutes ago
  • vouaobrasil 2 hours ago

    > We want e2ee. But we also recognize that e2ee is not going to deploy itself, and that the business incentives in place currently do not allow for the kind of broad privacy protections I believe we need.

    When the crypto wars of the 90s came around, I used to think technologies like e2ee and PKE would be something useful for a better world. Now it seems to me that with every new technology like Signal always has an opposing force against it (corporate control of the internet) that makes the system always slightly net negative in terms of benefits to humanity. I think we should scrap the whole thing and start over.

    • pixl97 2 hours ago

      Scrap billions in infrastructure and software. You can see why this won't happen, right?

      • vouaobrasil 2 hours ago

        What I can see is that it won't be an immediate action by the current power structure. But what I can also see is that it is leading to a corporate-controlled oligopoly that is also fundamentally unstable. So while no one in today's big-tech society will scrap the internet, it may also come down regardless due our inability to make wise societal decisions that transcend micro-moves restricted to the insane, current economic options.